Friday, April 3, 2009

Do Gooders

First of all....who doesnt LOVE this picture?!?!
A popular discussion at my apartment in college was the controversial topic of lying. A friend of mine posed the question, "If a man came into your house and said that he would kill your friend unless you told him you had eaten a bowl of cocoa puff that morning, what you you do?" The point he was trying to get at was, what is the "Christian" thing to do? Certainly it couldnt be to lie....

We are indeed taught not to how do we justify our lying in this circumstance. Chances are, you most certainly did NOT eat cocoa puffs that morning for breakfast, but is it justifiable to lie about in God's eyes?

Now, this topic can be argued for literally hours in my apartment. People will start whipping out doctirines and theologies and getting really heated.

My answer is simple, and can most certainly be backed up the the words of Jesus himself. In Matthew 12, Jesus is teaching about the Sabbath. In verses 11 & 12 He says that if your sheep (possibly donkey in some translations) falls into a well on a Sunday, is it lawful to "work" to save his life? (remember that at this time, animals were ESSENTIAL to life and none could be spared) Well, technically, no. The Sabbath is a day of rest, where in the time of Jesus, absolutely NO work was done. BUT, because Jesus is a lover and not a fighter, he comes back to say that a mans life is much more valuable than that of a sheep, for it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath, even if it takes some work!

SO, if a man asked me if I ate cocoa puffs for breakfast and my friend would die if I told the truth, heck yes I would lie!!!

Moral of this story: Life trumps law, Jesus said so himself!!

Update: got a part-time job with a catering company :)

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